Thermal Screening

Our Business Security Systems protect your assets and your staff

Prepare your business for a new normal where physical distancing and health safety is a requirement
(905) 333-4566

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Workplace Health and Safety in a Reopening Economy

Throughout the GTA and Ontario restrictions are being eased. However, the coronavirus will likely stay with us for the foreseeable future. Physical distancing and skin temperature measurement unfortunately will be part of running business for a while.
As a business owner it is important to prepare your company for re-opening. Temperature pre-screening of people entering your premises is an excellent tool, and every business owner should consider it to reduce public health risks. 
Alarm system wall mount by A1 Security

Measuring Skin Temperature

Temperature pre-screening essentially is a method of measuring skin temperature of your staff, clients and visitors whenever they enter your premises. It allows you to get notified when people with elevated body temperature are trying to enter your building. Companies use it to minimize their risk while staying open for business.
The screening tools we see in the media look pretty invasive. People are getting their temperature checked with a handheld thermometer, usually with a line of people behind them, waiting for their turn.

Thermal Pre-Screening 

We offer our clients a thermal pre-screening solution with pixel thermal imaging cameras to help with the process of reducing risks in the workplace. Our solution is completely non-invasive because it doesn’t depend on a handheld skin temperature thermometer.
The solution essentially is a thermal camera set up in the area where your staff and clients enter your premises. The infrared camera picks up the heat sources of each individual person, and gives a temperature readout. The color display flags people that are outside of the acceptable temperature ranges.
Alarm system wall mount by A1 Security

Advantages of Infrared Body Temperature Screening


Our solution is based on a non-contact skin temperature measurement tool 


We can take skin temperature of individuals at a rate of one person per second


Our technology can differentiate between individual heat sources.


You only process identified staff and visitors with readings outside the range

Body Temperature Screening in 4 Easy Steps

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People Enter

The infrared thermal imaging camera recognizes individuals in the detection area
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Temperature Check

The camera performs human skin-surface temperature measurement without contact

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Risk Discovery

People with body temperature outside of the acceptable range are detected
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Feel Safe, Be Safe

You have a process to deal with the exceptions, keeping your staff and clients safe

Privacy Issues of Thermal Pre-Screening

You may wonder if there are any privacy issues of thermal prescreening in businesses and public institutions. This article on thermal prescreening in workplaces by Andrew Bratt and Elizabeth Kurz of Gowling WLG discusses privacy issues. They confirm that thermal pre-screening is permissible and provide ideas about how to implement temperature screening.
Temperature screening is also in line with the guidelines for Long-Term Care Homes and Retirement Homes of the Ministry of Health of Ontario.

So, call us now for a 10-minute conversation

Let's discuss your needs and concerns and see how we can help. You can stop feeling frustrated with the feeling that the health and safety of your staff and visitors is not protected, and instead feel confident that our professional security team has your back.

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